POCSO Training – 08th August, 2024

POCSO Training: Empowering Staff Members to Protect Children

St Isabel’s High School organized a comprehensive training session on the PROTECTION OF CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL OFFENCES ACT (POCSO) on 08th August, 2024. The training aimed to sensitize the staff members about the provisions of the act, raise awareness about child protection and equip them with the knowledge and skills to identify and address instances of abuse.


Leading the training session was Sr Arina Gonsalves RJM, a distinguished , educationist, and child protection specialist. Her expertise and experience in the field ensured a thorough and insightful session for the staff members.  Sr Arina began by highlighting the differences between the POCSO Act 2012 and the Juvenile Justice Act 2015, emphasizing the specific provisions that protect children from sexual offenses.

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